We have four age groups, all with light airy and spacious rooms, which contain age and stage appropriate furniture and equipment to enable the staff to deliver the highest quality of care and education possible.
The atmosphere is very relaxed in this room, with a cosy area filled with soft furnishings and sensory toys for those still learning to crawl and beginning their first investigations. We offer a variety of activities for those a little older such as water play, painting, construction and the start of imaginary play and role play. The staff in this room are very flexible within their routine so that all children’s needs are met. The staff in this room have lots of experience with the 0-2 year age range and show a keen interest in each individual. Our nursery cook is also on hand to provide support and advice for parents unsure about weaning and dietary needs.
A great environment for your child to learn the skills they need to become independent little people. This includes supporting children with potty training and hand washing skills all the way to self service meals and helping prepare their own lunch and tea. The explorations and investigations are never ending in this room as the staff have plenty of ideas to keep little hands busy for hours. The children have free access to all equipment in the room and are encouraged to follow interests and ideas from start to finish. Staff work closely with parents taking on board interests from the home as well as those shown in nursery.
You will notice a more structured atmosphere and routine within this room to help prepare your child for a smooth transition to school, however this does not mean any less opportunity for playing and fun. During each session the children take part in small group activities that help develop specific skills e.g. sounds and letters this helps children recognise the sounds of letters in words as well as recognise individual letters. Like the rest of the rooms staff follow each child’s interest offering both adult led and child led activities, these are very vast and varying from cooking and baking with our nursery to cook to acting out stories using puppets and props The children in this room also have unlimited access to the outdoor area.
The nursery boasts a fantastic outdoor space that has been installed and developed by Infinite Playgrounds taking into consideration our beautiful natural surroundings.